Our services are delivered as promised, and we are steadfast in keeping our service users at the centre of all we do.

Person Centred Planning:

(HAVE A PIC OF USER HOLDING THEIR FILE ETC AND HIM POINTING OR A BLACKBOARD. A user showing that he likes to DJ, play football, etc)

With the assistance of our staff, every resident user has the power to shape his or her dreams and discover the potential that they have to fulfil their goals.

Service User Empowerment Programme:

We ensure that all service users have the power to influence in the design and delivery of our services. After all, it is only through actively listening to our resident users we can truly meet their needs and expectations.

We hold regular carer and service user feedback sessions. By using resident’s meetings, questionnaires and internal audits we are able to constantly monitor the work we do to ensure we provide our residents with the best possible care.


At Jiva, the safety and well-being of our residents is of paramount importance. In order to ensure that the correct standards are met and that any problems are properly resolved, we have regular safeguarding meetings involving the managing director and all the home managers. During these meetings all recent safeguarding issues are reviewed and discussed. This gives us a chance to review policies and practices so that similar problems can be averted in the future. All our managers have been trained in Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults and keep themselves abreast of the latest legislation.

As soon as a safeguarding issue presented itself, we contact the safeguarding team at the local council. After we have given them all the details, they look into the case and inform us of what action needs to be taken next. We also contact the care coordinators of all the residents involved so that they can assist us in supporting their clients. Finally, we contact the Care Quality Commission so that they can monitor the situation and intervene if they feel it necessary. We have been praised by the local authority in our conscientious approach to this area and it is something we take very seriously.